Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Khador , Khador and some other stuff

Not had much chance to update the site as I've been working through an army of models this past week. I started off with Laddermore, which was easier than a lot of cavalry given the amount of armor the horse is wearing, but trying to not make the blue wash away all the other colors took a little work. She's a little too blue.  I also had a couple of Lug and Cragback models to do. The bear was a cool combination of armor, fur and blood.  And after that I've been doing Khador...dogs, casters, Doom Reavers and more... lots of red paint being used :)  

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Precursor Knights and Unit Attachment Done

Busy weekend here, but Monday is a holiday so I have had time to crack on with some work.Complete a complete unit of Precursor Knights and their unit attachment. I still need to spend more time working on the eyes of models as some of them come across looking a little "off" at times. I decided to give the Knights a bit of a "been in battle" look as they just came across as too clean and white. A little muddied effect looks good on the clothing. Didn't come across so well in the photos, actually all the photos were a little off from the lastest batch, I was in a rush and didn't spend enough time to get the focus right.  Note to self : take pics when I have more time! Next up I have a range of Solos to do, mainly unit attachments and a couple of casters.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fixed Gallery and Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corp

Found that the gallery was having a few display issues and fixed most of them, struggling to find the page that makes the largest image appear though as there is some kind of link error there that I could fix....if I could find it.

Anyway in between fixing that I worked on a large unit of dwarves. Units of 10 odd models that are the same isn't the most thrilling of projects, but I can usually do 10 models that are the same in the same time it takes to do one large unique model.

Above are some of the Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corp dwarves from WarMachine. You'll also note the photo quality has improved vastly. I changed from using the macro setting with flash to using the AV setting and no flash. Looking good!

Also did a slightly custom version of Anastasia di Bray, changing the black for a seductive lilac scheme. I prefer it to the dark standard scheme.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Great Bears of Gallowswood, Kovnik Markov and Photos

Just finished working on a few more Khador models. These are for a local friend so he was okay with me trying a few things with them to see how they'd turn out. One thing I was keen to try was a snow effect. I see a lot of figures with "snow" terrain that just looks like a layer of white "stuff" on the base. So what I decided to do was apply a rough and grass terrain first and then apply the snow over this. I think they figures turned out okay and you can check out the results in the gallery as shortly. I was tempted to try adding a scattering of snow to th figures themselves, but decided to stick with the horses hooves for now and get some feedback before getting carried away. Anyway, the Great Bears of Gallowswood and  Kovnik Markov.

The pictures look to have improved too, changed the way I was working on them and the results look better, though I won't know for sure until I edit and upload them. What I do need though is a better background than "all white".